Orina Cohen
"Haaretz" ("the country" in Hebrew) is the name of a well-established Hebrew daily newspaper.
The series “Haaretz/The Country” came about while I was working on paintings using industrial paint. At times when I opened one of my old paint cans, I would throw out the thickened top layer onto old Haaretz newspapers. Then when I finished working, I would clean my brushes on the papers before dipping them in turpentine. I noticed that when the clumps of dry paint and the brushstrokes had dried, a connection was created between them and the “materials” in the articles or ads. This generated visual links and textual associations, slowly weaving together each painting.
The texts and images in the newspaper inspired me to transform my political and social protest into art, expressing my objection to violence, the exclusion of women, the consumer culture, and more. The images disappear and reappear, as if in a maze, through the materials I used: industrial oil-based paints, oil pastels, pencils and staples.
For more information, and to purchase paintings, or high quality prints of Haaretz paintings press here
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